Terms & Disclaimer

This page offers both the General Terms and Conditions for Ik-Jij-Zij to download as well as the disclaimer for this website.

General Terms & Conditions

Ik-Jij-Zij uses the standard & membership Terms and Conditions for consultancy provided by the ICT-Office  (the old FENIT). Download links below.

Invoicing ammendment

As from January 2010 a EU directive regarding invoicing has been amended: Council Directive 2006/112/EC; when a client is within the EU, VAT cannot be invoiced and a reference has to be made on the invoice called ‘reverse charge procedure applies’. You can download the directive below, article 226, §11 states this.

Since January 2009 it is no longer required to send a paper invoice. Ik-Jij-Zij encourages the use of digital invoices to have not just the enenvironment benefit from it, but also the administrative overhead. Below links to the official regulations.


Ik-Jij-Zij takes care to ensure the information given in these web pages is correct and up to date. Ik-Jij-Zij cannot accept liability for the consequences of any action you may take, or fail to take, as a result of reading our pages. Links to other websites or pages are intended to be additional information and Ik-Jij-Zij does not take responsibility for their content.

These pages and logo are Copyright © 2002 – 2012 Ik-Jij-Zij, Weesp, The Netherlands. All rights reserved. Complete pages may be downloaded or printed for personal, educational and non-commercial use only. Pages must not be edited and our copyright notice must be retained. You are welcome to link to any of these pages, provided you do not enclose them in a frameset.

Werner Taube-Petrignani.